I have been blessed with sleep for the past 2 days. All because of the cough syrup that I have been taking..Alhamdulillah I am much better now. Today I hope I will not have to take the cough syrup again or I will delay the submission of the 'packages' to my clients. I always try very hard to meet the deadline if they have any. I have completed the RE for 2 cushion covers and 2 tiebacks for the wedding at the end of December. I hope I can complete sewing them into the cushions and tiebacks soon, InsyaAllah. I am currently working on the orders for Christmas...which I am way way behind!
Two days back, after fetching Along from her classes at UM, I went to Tesco to do some groceries. Then we stopped over at Mak Teh's Clinic. It has been ages since I last met her. I think probably it was during Wani's wedding end of last year! We do call each other once in a while. Time is just so limited whenever we come down to KL. So many thinsg to do in just 2-3 days break in KL. Now that we will be here for more than a month, I have much more time. Alhamdulillah. It was just a brief meet as Mak Teh have patients waiting for her. Then we headed to Taman Bidara at Selayang. Dhirah wanted to see the house which we stayed when she was small until before we left for Kerteh. We have sold the house to a Dr., if I am not mistaken. Our neighbour, Anna and Sri is still staying in there. She could not remember me! After a few moments only did she remember when I told her who I was! hehe...How time flies she said...Waaa...dah besar semuanya. Her son who used to be Along's friend pon has turned 20! And we have all grown more 'matured'!
Then we dropped by at Kak Janah's house which is a few houses away from mine. She is a very peramah lady. Although we became quite close only for a while, she still remembers me! Alhamdulillah. It was a brief meet also. And sempat laa exchange phone numbers! Who knows kalau2 nak ke Terengganu, boleh lah singgah!
we saw this house at the simpang masuk...wah...cantek betul...!
Ini kak Janah and her hubby...taking care of cucus and anak2 jiran ....dah pencen keje dah....kata kak Janah:)
Seronok petang tu! After that sambung tido laa!
Semalam pon the same, after ambil klong dari school, after I took my lunch, immediately ngantuk because of the cough syrup! Again sleeping like a log for 1.5 hours! Rugi besar, but Alhamdulillah...the cough is getting better.
Later in the evening, we went to the Big Bad Wolf book fair. Apalagi...berkotak2 buku di bawa pulang. We spent like 2 hours plus kat situ! For me what else...Craft books laa...Ni yang nak buat ke Book Access pulak nak cari buku lagi!
seronok sangat dapat buku2 murah..
After that kami singgah kat kedai AbahKaya...makan malam at 10:30pm. Alang , Lan and Min joined us . Ucop dah tido masa tu. Sedaaaap makan kat situ!
InsyaAllah malam ni kami nak balik JB. Lama dah tak balik JB. Seronok! Doakan keselamatan kami ...
Have a nice break over Awal Muharram...Selamat menyambut Awal Muharram. Moga Allah Permudahkan perjalanan hidup kita semua...Amin...Jangan lupa baca doa Akhir tahun dan Awal Tahun ye:)
1 comment:
tak mau singgah tengok Adam ker?
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