Today is my 3rd last day in the office. There aren't many people in the project office today. Some have gone offshore yesterday and one has gone for a seminar at Awana. It was very quite a short while ago, but suddenly Zul came to bring 3 desktops to be upgraded. Mine is one of them. So I get to bring home the one that I am using right now:). The company is letting go of the old PC to its owner for RM300.00. I didn't want it at first as there already a few-old-ones-yg-buat-semak at home buat Cik Abang said why not take it with that price. Maybe Hakim or Maya or even Angah will like to use it in the house...:)...
I was too lazy to update this blog yesterday. As with my sewing. Sometimes I am worried if I could not complete them as requested. A friend is helping me to sew them into products. Alhamamdulillah 11 of the pouches are now ready. So I can call Kak Shimah to pick up some of them . She told me she wanted to come and meet me to discuss a few things regarding my Re work. I hope it will be a good one InsyaAllah...
I started my RE on one of the 3 bags which a friend requested, yesterday. Did it half way last nite:). I was quite busy with my new RE book. Trying to write something for the people who wanted to buy the books. Hakim asked me last nite...Mak, mak dah jadi artist ke?? He he...just because I am signing the book!!..Hakim..hakim...pantang sebut celebirity..terus jadi artis eh...Macam2 this bujang of mine.
some of the pouches ready to be with the owners:)
This kak Shima's/ I hope she will like it:)
Oklah thats about it for today. I have some work which needs my attention....:)
Moga Allah beri yang terbaik buat saya dan keluarga ...Amin...