I have been very bz last weekend. Teaching on both days during the weekend. No wonder everytime a person meets me, she/ he will ask me. Are you a teacher? Do I look like one? Hmmm..I guess so. Some even asked me if I am an ustadzah...Ha...ha...I can still remember when I took the pre-marriage course, the ustadz aske me if I am one. I could only smile. he he...my results just missed by 1 point. I scored the highest and received a few hundred ringgit for the achievement. alhamdulillah...
Now after 24 years being an engineer, people still ask me the same question and Alhamdulillah, now I am one. I will be leaving my current position and venture into a new one Insyaallah and I pray to Allah that I will be one good teacher. Not playing will wires etc but now playing with ribbons..I have already started my classes working under Kolej Komuniti Kemaman teaching ribbon embroideries. Yesterday was my third class and hope that there will be more to come. I pray to Allah for a better life in the future. Alhamdulillah Abang is supporting me all the way.
Sometimes I feel so relieved that I will soon be a stay-at-home-mom. I hope I will be a good suri rumahtangga. I plan to do all the cooking which sometimes I neglect during the weekedays since Abang has been working in KL. I could not accomodate any time in the morning since I have to send the kids to school. By next week, I will be free...InsyaAllah. And I hope I will be using my free time for some good courses. There are so many things in my mind. So many things I want to do and I hope I could fulfill some if not all.
My 2nd book on Ribbon embroideries arrived last Thursday. Only allah knows how happy I was. I just could nott describe the happiness. It is definitely a different kind of feeling as compared to the one when my book was published in Indonesia in February. Maybe because this time it is being published in Malaysia. I feel so so good Alhamdulillah). Thank you PTS esp to Ashikin Wahid and Norzilawati and the gang for the hard effort in making my dream to come true:). Alhamdulillah..:)
These are the photos taken last weekend.... Happy faces looking at their hand work. Alhamdulillah..and I am happy when they are happy. TQ Allah..
Makan2 lopez ...during the breaktime. TQ to bibik for her delicious lopez:)
I cooked 3 dishes for my beloved ones last weekend. Some have been packed nicely and being frozen for Abang to bring back to KL tonite:)
Ayam kasturi ...sedap ni..
Daging lada hitam...
Udang goreng cili kering
I went to send Kak Liza's bag and tudung and brought her back to my house...and guess what ? she gave me two of her books which were launched recently...Rasa seronok bila dapat complimentary copies ni...rasa cam penting je kat kak liza...thanks kak ..love u..
Have a nice day all.. and May Allah bless us all...Amin