I have been feeling very tired since yesterday morning. Could be because of the hot weather I guess...Hmm...need to do some exercises as well. I have been procrastinating on this! The threadmill has been sitting in the TV room untouched for so long. Sometimes Hakim or Maya will switch it on and start running or walking on it... When is my turn? I have been too busy with my sewing. Too many bags to be completed by 1st week of next the month...Hopefully I can get them done very soon. The 11 bags ordered by a friend for her khenduri kawin are almost done. Only 1 left and another 1 as a gift for her. The 21 pouches are still in the middle of the making. I just hate sewing the bulky pouches. Too afraid that the needle will break when sewing on thick materials! Hopefully I can also complete them by this week..please please Allah give me the strength to complete my work...InsyaAllah..
The kids behaved very well yesterday morning . I was back home from sending them to school at around 7:20am. That was early. And as usual preparing myself for work. Lately I have been dragging myself to the office. Soon, I do not have to rush to go to the office anymore. I am happy not to have to work but at the same time feeling sad that I have to leave the office that I have been working for the last 14 years. As old as Angah's age. A very long time indeed. I had to sacrifice my work so that I could take care of my kids. I just cannot imagine leaving the kids with the bibik while both of us are far away from them. It is the work or the kids and of course the kids and the family should definitely come first. I am praying for a better future for the family and for me...Amin...
Later in the evening. I managed to complete these bags...Kakak will fix the buttons and tidy the bags...Alhamdulillah...:)
~Kepunyaan Allahlah segala yang ada di langit dan di bumi dan jika kamu melahirkan apa yang ada di dalam hatimu atau kamu menyembunyikannya, nescaya Allah akan membuat perhitungan dengan kamu tentang perbuatanmu itu. Maka Allah mengampuni siapa yang dikehendakiNya dan menyiksa siapa yang dikehendakiNya; dan Allah Maha Kuasa atas segala sesuatu..~ al Mathurat...