Alhamdulillah...Lega sangat. Rasanya malam ni nak relax...dah siap dah barang2 yang nak dikirim ke Kak Shimah. 22 buah pouches dan 5 buah beg. Senget tulang bahu maklang. Tu pun pouches ada yang maklang minta kawan yang tolong jahitan setelah maklang selesai meng RE...nasib baik ada dia or else, tak tido gaknya...Harap2 laris:). InsyaAllah:). Puas jugak lah siMaya dan Hakim memfotokan barangan hasil jahitan tadi. Naik kelabu mata dah asik menyulam aje...tapi memang menyeronokkan...
Hari ni rumah dah sunyi semula. Mak dan Abah dah balik ke KL semalam. Tak bestnya...:( Back to the old routine. Pagi2 hantar budak2 sekolah. Sebab hari ni banyak kerja nak kena siap nak submit kat Client, makanya maklang minta tolong bibik masak telor masak kicap je. Kalau tak maklang lah turun ke dapur masak. Hmmm...oklah sekali sekala bibik masakkan.
So sambil2 menjahit beg yang ke2, sebab ptg semalam dapat siapkan 1 dan sedikit utk beg ke2. maklang meneruskan lah misi sampai dekat pukul 1 baru selesai, sambil menonton prog. kat TV. Siap dengan mematikan jahitan dibelakang. Alhamdulillah dari tak ada idea nak buat macamana, akhirnya, ia menjadi beg yang paling maklang suka antara 3 yang dapat maklang siapkan minggu ini. Yang lagi 2 dah pun maklang siapkan awal minggu baru2 ni.:) ( gambar akan menyusul dalam beberapa hari lagi InsyaAllah:)
Tak tahu nak cerita apa lagi...he he..kita layan gambar ajelaa ye..
Atok dan Wan berposing sebelum balik semalam...Alhamdulillah sihat ke2nya ..moga Allah beri ke2 ibubapa ku sihat sejahtera dan di bawah lembanyung Nya dan juga dipanjangkan umur mereka...
Sempat berposing ibunda tercinta dengan beg RE baru yang ke5 katanya...he he..
Close up
Sempat gak maklang buat beg ni utk nak hadiahkan pada kawan. mulanya nak ikut kawan2 opis pegi tengok dia, tapi tak jadi pulak. Terkial2 gak nak tampal those tak cantek je...
ni pulak maklang siapkan malam rabu kelmarin. siapnya dah 2 minggu kot, tapi sebab ada zip maka kelembapan melanda...tak suka betul jait zip. Insya Allah sampailah ke tuann ya dlam 2-3 hari lagi..
dan ini pula nasi dagang yang diberi oleh kawan maklang yang menyebabkan maklang tersangat mengantuk utk menaip lagi...jawabnya jap lagi titon dan relax laaaa:)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Mak Enon dalam kenangan..
Semalam pagi maklang di kejutkan dengan berita yang sungguh menyedihkan. Lebih kurang pukul 6:00 pagi Cik Abang called. Dia kata...Na...Ainon dah meninggal!..Ha..??? Enon...Ye...Enon kata Cik Abang. Maklang macam tak compute and rasa macam tak masuk akal...Ya Allah...kawan rapat maklang dah dijemput Allah pulang kepangkuanNya...Ya Allah...macam tak percaya...
Petang sebelum tu, Mak Enon ada call Maya kata nak datang. Biasanya Mak Enon pun akan call maklang tapi sebab masa dia call maklang ada tetamu dan lepas tu, sibuk, maklang terleka dan terlupa nak call balik. Mak Enon kata nak ikut Babah yang ada kerja kat KSB. Memang biasa kalau Babah ada kerja kat KSB, mak Enon akan ambil cuti untuk sama2 ke mari. Dan biasanya Maklang akan ajak mereka bermalam di sini. Keluarga mereka dan keluarga kami memang rapat sejak anak2 masih kecil. Bahkan mereka dah anggapkan Maya dan Hakim macam anak angkat mereka. Kalau kemari, pasti ada aje buah tangan utk anak kami yang 2 orang tu...
So, bila Maya beritahu Mak Enon nak datang , Maklang OK aje sebab mmg dah pesan kalau Babah ada kerja kat KSB, jangan nak tidor2 kat hotel, meh sini aje duduk kat rumah kami. Tapi kali ini lain pula. Mak Enon dan Babah tak terus ke Kerteh. Mereka bermalam di Kemaman. Sedihnya Maklang masa menaip ni...Hanya Allah yang tahu...Memang rasa kehilangan sangat. Selalu kalau dia datang sini mesti dia akan peluk cium Maklang dan beritahu Maklang dia sayangkan Maklang. Dan tiap kali kami berjumpa pasti dia akan menangis bila bercerita tentang anak2 kami ( Babah suka giat dia...nak ujan dah tu...)Dan paling dia sedih bila nak berpisah...
Baru2 ni dia ada beritahu maklang dia nak cakap sesuatu tapi dia tak boleh cakap sebab dia kata
Babah ada dekat dia. Dia kata nanti the next day dia nak call. Maklang tunggulah dia call dan bila dia tak call Maklang tanya kenapa tak call. Dia kata dia dah call tapi dia cakap dengan Hakim sampai lupa nak bercakap ngan Maklang. Entah apalah yang dia nak cakap agaknya...dan ianya akan menjadi tanda tanya sampai bila2:(...
Maklang rasa baiklah maklang stop sini sebelum hujan makin lebat...Mohon sedekahkan Al Fatihah buat arwan Ainon binti Mohd Sani...
Ya Allah, Kau tempatkanlah sahabat baik ku Ainon binti Mohd Sani dibawah lindungan Mu Ya Allah..ampun kan dosa2nya dan Kau ringan lah azab siksa kuburnya, jauhkan azab api neraka dari nya dan masukkan lah dia ke dalam syurga2 Mu Ya Allah...Ya Allah kasihani lah beliau kerana dia seorang insan yang sangat baik dan berhati mulia...Amin ya Rabbal Alamin..
Semalam pagi maklang di kejutkan dengan berita yang sungguh menyedihkan. Lebih kurang pukul 6:00 pagi Cik Abang called. Dia kata...Na...Ainon dah meninggal!..Ha..??? Enon...Ye...Enon kata Cik Abang. Maklang macam tak compute and rasa macam tak masuk akal...Ya Allah...kawan rapat maklang dah dijemput Allah pulang kepangkuanNya...Ya Allah...macam tak percaya...
Petang sebelum tu, Mak Enon ada call Maya kata nak datang. Biasanya Mak Enon pun akan call maklang tapi sebab masa dia call maklang ada tetamu dan lepas tu, sibuk, maklang terleka dan terlupa nak call balik. Mak Enon kata nak ikut Babah yang ada kerja kat KSB. Memang biasa kalau Babah ada kerja kat KSB, mak Enon akan ambil cuti untuk sama2 ke mari. Dan biasanya Maklang akan ajak mereka bermalam di sini. Keluarga mereka dan keluarga kami memang rapat sejak anak2 masih kecil. Bahkan mereka dah anggapkan Maya dan Hakim macam anak angkat mereka. Kalau kemari, pasti ada aje buah tangan utk anak kami yang 2 orang tu...
So, bila Maya beritahu Mak Enon nak datang , Maklang OK aje sebab mmg dah pesan kalau Babah ada kerja kat KSB, jangan nak tidor2 kat hotel, meh sini aje duduk kat rumah kami. Tapi kali ini lain pula. Mak Enon dan Babah tak terus ke Kerteh. Mereka bermalam di Kemaman. Sedihnya Maklang masa menaip ni...Hanya Allah yang tahu...Memang rasa kehilangan sangat. Selalu kalau dia datang sini mesti dia akan peluk cium Maklang dan beritahu Maklang dia sayangkan Maklang. Dan tiap kali kami berjumpa pasti dia akan menangis bila bercerita tentang anak2 kami ( Babah suka giat dia...nak ujan dah tu...)Dan paling dia sedih bila nak berpisah...
Baru2 ni dia ada beritahu maklang dia nak cakap sesuatu tapi dia tak boleh cakap sebab dia kata
Babah ada dekat dia. Dia kata nanti the next day dia nak call. Maklang tunggulah dia call dan bila dia tak call Maklang tanya kenapa tak call. Dia kata dia dah call tapi dia cakap dengan Hakim sampai lupa nak bercakap ngan Maklang. Entah apalah yang dia nak cakap agaknya...dan ianya akan menjadi tanda tanya sampai bila2:(...
Maklang rasa baiklah maklang stop sini sebelum hujan makin lebat...Mohon sedekahkan Al Fatihah buat arwan Ainon binti Mohd Sani...
Ya Allah, Kau tempatkanlah sahabat baik ku Ainon binti Mohd Sani dibawah lindungan Mu Ya Allah..ampun kan dosa2nya dan Kau ringan lah azab siksa kuburnya, jauhkan azab api neraka dari nya dan masukkan lah dia ke dalam syurga2 Mu Ya Allah...Ya Allah kasihani lah beliau kerana dia seorang insan yang sangat baik dan berhati mulia...Amin ya Rabbal Alamin..
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Happy Birthday Dhirah
Alhamdulillah hari ni Dhirah dah pun 18 tahun.Begitu pantas masa berlalu. 18 tahun dah anak dara mak. Moga hidupnya diberkati Allah sentiasa dan Dhirah berjaya dunia akhirat dan dikasihi oleh semua...Amin...
Yang bestnya tiap kali sambut birthday, kat Terengganu ni cuti. Tapi tahun ni Dhirah tak cuti sebab Dhirah dah kat KL. Cian anak mak..anyway harap2 nanti malam Abah lah yang bawa Dhira celebrate birthday....kalau Alang baik hati..Alang join sekali lah belanja Dhirah Cheesecake Secret Recipe yang Dhirah dok minta mak buatkan...:).
Sejak last entry yang lepas, maklang tak sempat nak cari masa nak update. Bukan tak nak tapi tuntutan RE memang lah tak dapat nak dielakkan lagi. Lagi dah dekat sangat nak puasa, maka tak boleh maklang nak main2 lagi. Tak ada masa betul. Menjahit dari awal pagi sampai lewat malam. Tapikan...bila ngantuk tu kedeboom gak laa 10-15 mins. Alhamdulillah banyak jugaklah yang dah siap dan sekarang berada kat tangan kawan maklang untuk nak dijadikan pouches.
Semalam maklang masak nasi kerabu. Daging goreng tu liat . Macam nak suruh mulut tu excercise je...he he..
Alhamdulillah 2 insan yang paling dikasihi, Atok dan Wan tiba kat sini semalam lebih kurang pukul 1:40tghari. Masa tu maklang tengah makan dengan exofficemate maklang yang datang. Terimakasehlah nak dtg melawat. Sekali sekala jumpa kawan office memang seronok.
Yang kat atas tu maklang type pagi semalam, lepas dah cukup masa utk nak pi goreng mee utk breakfast , maklang tinggal blog ni sampai lah ke lewat malam. Memang lah tak berupdate!
Lepas dah breakfast, masak pulak utk tengahari. Bukan buat apa pun, tumis ayam masak serai je and masukkan ayam separuh masak yang kakak dah goreng, then mula sulam nama kawan2 Hakim yang tempah pencil case tu. Hmmm...lama gak laaa nak ke siap. Selesai sulam, sambil kakak nak gunting alas kain kat dalam pencil cases tu, maklang menyusun riben2 kat rak dia. Barulah nampak banyak mana yang ada. Or else memang semak samun. Baik atas rak atau dalam box dia sebab ada dlm plastics. Ni semua dah atas rak. 2 kotak dah kosong...Alhamdulillah...Spend masa dekat 2 jam jugaklah menyusun semuanya...
Bila dah siap susun riben, dah pun waktu lunch. Nak menjahit kat bilik sauna waktu tengahari mmg lah tak digalakkan. Penat free je sebab panas sangat kat situ. So, maklang meng RE lah kat bilik maklang. Tengah2 seronok mengRE kak Shima call kata nak dtg. Dia ada buatkan kek untuk kami. Choc cake lagi. Buat susah aje. Tapi orang nak kasi, padang bola kami tadahkan:). Apa pulak nak jamu. Pk-pk ..ooohhh kacang pool dalam tin masih ada lagi. Turun ke dapur, cari bahan2 and masaklaa..Nasib baik Angah rajin nak tolong. Cepatlah sikit siapnya:). Atok pun kekedai belikan lada ijau dan juga tomato serta limau kasturi...Sempat pun siap...:)
Tengah2 melayan kak Shimah, 2 orang kawan ( sorang dari mereka mmg jiran lama dan kat rumah sini juga), datang. Nak tengok RE kata mereka. Nasib baik ada mak. Maklah layan kak Shimah yang lebih kurang sebaya mak tu. ( She is about 61 and mak 67 - kira geng mak laa tu). Maklang dok layan yang lagi 2 orang tu. Terkejut mulanya masa kereta park kat depan rumah:). By the time mereka balik it was almost maghrib. So, memang goodbyelaa pencil cases. Tak pegang langsung. Konon plan nak jahit dalam kol 6 gitu sebab kat tempat jahit dah sejuk sikit!...
Malam RE kejap jer..Letih satu macam sebab cuaca yang teramat hu...
Hari ini pulak lepas hantar budak2 kang mmglh kena cepat2 masak, then kena buat pencil cases which maklang mmg tak ada mood nak jahit. Then kena RE kan beg kak Huda sebab dia nak kasi kat kakak dia ...moga cepatlah jari jemari ni dapat menjahit...
Oklah sini dulu , kang lewat pulak anak2 ke sekolah...
Kejap2...maklang nak jamu mata semua...hasil RE sejak beberapa minggu yang lepas...semua dah sampai kat tangan tuan dia:). Alhamdulillah...
yang ni sampai ke Perak
yang ni dah tiba JB
yang ni dah kat KL...nak buat cenderahati majlis kawin
yang ni utk class mate Hakim kat Kerteh je:)
Doakan yang terbaik buat kami sekeluarga dunia akhirat. Maklang juga doakan yang terbaik buat semua pembaca blog maklang...take care and assalamualaikum:)
Alhamdulillah hari ni Dhirah dah pun 18 tahun.Begitu pantas masa berlalu. 18 tahun dah anak dara mak. Moga hidupnya diberkati Allah sentiasa dan Dhirah berjaya dunia akhirat dan dikasihi oleh semua...Amin...
Yang bestnya tiap kali sambut birthday, kat Terengganu ni cuti. Tapi tahun ni Dhirah tak cuti sebab Dhirah dah kat KL. Cian anak mak..anyway harap2 nanti malam Abah lah yang bawa Dhira celebrate birthday....kalau Alang baik hati..Alang join sekali lah belanja Dhirah Cheesecake Secret Recipe yang Dhirah dok minta mak buatkan...:).
Sejak last entry yang lepas, maklang tak sempat nak cari masa nak update. Bukan tak nak tapi tuntutan RE memang lah tak dapat nak dielakkan lagi. Lagi dah dekat sangat nak puasa, maka tak boleh maklang nak main2 lagi. Tak ada masa betul. Menjahit dari awal pagi sampai lewat malam. Tapikan...bila ngantuk tu kedeboom gak laa 10-15 mins. Alhamdulillah banyak jugaklah yang dah siap dan sekarang berada kat tangan kawan maklang untuk nak dijadikan pouches.
Semalam maklang masak nasi kerabu. Daging goreng tu liat . Macam nak suruh mulut tu excercise je...he he..
Alhamdulillah 2 insan yang paling dikasihi, Atok dan Wan tiba kat sini semalam lebih kurang pukul 1:40tghari. Masa tu maklang tengah makan dengan exofficemate maklang yang datang. Terimakasehlah nak dtg melawat. Sekali sekala jumpa kawan office memang seronok.
Yang kat atas tu maklang type pagi semalam, lepas dah cukup masa utk nak pi goreng mee utk breakfast , maklang tinggal blog ni sampai lah ke lewat malam. Memang lah tak berupdate!
Lepas dah breakfast, masak pulak utk tengahari. Bukan buat apa pun, tumis ayam masak serai je and masukkan ayam separuh masak yang kakak dah goreng, then mula sulam nama kawan2 Hakim yang tempah pencil case tu. Hmmm...lama gak laaa nak ke siap. Selesai sulam, sambil kakak nak gunting alas kain kat dalam pencil cases tu, maklang menyusun riben2 kat rak dia. Barulah nampak banyak mana yang ada. Or else memang semak samun. Baik atas rak atau dalam box dia sebab ada dlm plastics. Ni semua dah atas rak. 2 kotak dah kosong...Alhamdulillah...Spend masa dekat 2 jam jugaklah menyusun semuanya...
Bila dah siap susun riben, dah pun waktu lunch. Nak menjahit kat bilik sauna waktu tengahari mmg lah tak digalakkan. Penat free je sebab panas sangat kat situ. So, maklang meng RE lah kat bilik maklang. Tengah2 seronok mengRE kak Shima call kata nak dtg. Dia ada buatkan kek untuk kami. Choc cake lagi. Buat susah aje. Tapi orang nak kasi, padang bola kami tadahkan:). Apa pulak nak jamu. Pk-pk ..ooohhh kacang pool dalam tin masih ada lagi. Turun ke dapur, cari bahan2 and masaklaa..Nasib baik Angah rajin nak tolong. Cepatlah sikit siapnya:). Atok pun kekedai belikan lada ijau dan juga tomato serta limau kasturi...Sempat pun siap...:)
Tengah2 melayan kak Shimah, 2 orang kawan ( sorang dari mereka mmg jiran lama dan kat rumah sini juga), datang. Nak tengok RE kata mereka. Nasib baik ada mak. Maklah layan kak Shimah yang lebih kurang sebaya mak tu. ( She is about 61 and mak 67 - kira geng mak laa tu). Maklang dok layan yang lagi 2 orang tu. Terkejut mulanya masa kereta park kat depan rumah:). By the time mereka balik it was almost maghrib. So, memang goodbyelaa pencil cases. Tak pegang langsung. Konon plan nak jahit dalam kol 6 gitu sebab kat tempat jahit dah sejuk sikit!...
Malam RE kejap jer..Letih satu macam sebab cuaca yang teramat hu...
Hari ini pulak lepas hantar budak2 kang mmglh kena cepat2 masak, then kena buat pencil cases which maklang mmg tak ada mood nak jahit. Then kena RE kan beg kak Huda sebab dia nak kasi kat kakak dia ...moga cepatlah jari jemari ni dapat menjahit...
Oklah sini dulu , kang lewat pulak anak2 ke sekolah...
Kejap2...maklang nak jamu mata semua...hasil RE sejak beberapa minggu yang lepas...semua dah sampai kat tangan tuan dia:). Alhamdulillah...
yang ni sampai ke Perak
yang ni dah tiba JB
yang ni dah kat KL...nak buat cenderahati majlis kawin
yang ni utk class mate Hakim kat Kerteh je:)
Doakan yang terbaik buat kami sekeluarga dunia akhirat. Maklang juga doakan yang terbaik buat semua pembaca blog maklang...take care and assalamualaikum:)
Friday, July 15, 2011
Picnic D'Kuala Kerteh
It has been pleasant since the last few days....With nothing much accomplished on my RE... however I did complete sewing the bandanas and flags which dear Abang asked to me sew for his sport's group .
Last Wednesday, I went for a picnic at Pantai Kuala Kerteh with Kak Liza, Rina and Mulan. ( Sib baik konvoi ngan kak Liza..or else sure sesat sebab dok ingatkan kat Pantai Kemasik. Mesti kes ingat benda lain masa berbual ngan Rina...Lamanya tak meet them esp Mulan and Rina. Thanks Rina for inviting me to the gather2...Alhamdulillah...the food was yummylicious. Full satu table besar. I was that much..macamana nak makan that much with only the 4 of us! But of coz we could never finish them. Meng'tapau' laa apalagi.
Kami ber4...I was happy..:)
Dear Abang has been telling tak keje pergi lah keluar2 jumpa orang..he he..The green light was given withing asking. He knew that I am not the type who likes to go out or pergi rumah orang...he he..but green light tu tak boleh lah misused kan. Pandai2 laaa kan:)
We were at the pantai for more than 3 hours talking bout how busy everybody has been. Nak buka blog orang pun tak sempat. Status kat FB is merely updating status sendiri or choose mana or siapa punya status kita nak baca. As for me, FB penuh ngan bahasa lain2 sebab ramai kawan stitches...he he...yg kadang2 add sebab nak tengok karya mereka. Lain2 tu tengok status adek2, anak2 dan juga Cik Suami yang memang jarang update status dia..he he.. Jangan tak tahu, last 2 weeks, Busu bukak acct fb utk Wan sebab Wan rajin baca my blog yang ikut angin bila nak update tapi kalau fb mmg kerap updet status yang entah apa2. So, if Wan nak tahu apa status anak2 dan cucu2 senang Wan tgk je FB...Alhamdulillah adalah tu Wan skodeng bila dia ada masa:)
Maklang ni sekarang tgh rehat jap lepas solat tadi. Jap lagi pasar tani, then ada klas. Bahan2 klas pun baru sekerat aje disiapkan. Hari ni kalau ikut2kan mmg ramai students laa..dari kalangan cikgu2. Tapi tak tahu laa..Biasa cakap sampai berbelas2 tapi dtgnya tak sampai pun seperti yang diberitahu. Apa2lah asal tansfer of knowledge dapat dibuat dgn sempurna dan murid dapat menerima ilmu dgn baik dah alhamdulillah...
Hari ni Wan akan menjalani pemeriksaan utk kanser. Mmg tiap2 tahun sejak dia buang sebahagian usus besar dia (kot) Wan kena buat test ni. Memang dia tak suka sebab kena pantang makan and minum air apa entah utk 1-2 hari sebelum pemeriksaan tu. Doakan penyakit Wan dah hilang terus dan takkan kembali lagi...Amin
Ni antara hasil RE sejak entah dari bila..sempat jugak lah meng RE walaupun tak byk mana, ada gak yang buat berminggu2 lepas yang maklang minta kawan tolong jahitkan jadik bag. At least hasilnya dapat sama2 merasa...Alhamdulillah..
yang ni mula buat dari awal tahun kot..berdikit2 lama2 kot tak kena paksalaa sebab nak serahkan pada Cik Puan dia end of Julai..besar dia 32" x 32" utk di frame penuh ngan roses..pening gak nak susun warna..
Ni dah tukar sikit pattern tulip . Asyik buat cam yang kat bawah ni je...Jap lagi nak kena jahit lagi 1 bag tulip gak...:)
Maklang suka sangat hasil yang ini...Warnanya sungguh lembut. Beg yang 3 bawah ni maklang dah pos pon semalam. Moga2 Cik Puan dia suka..InsyaAllah..
Oklah sampai sini eh..jumpa lagi bila kita jumpa...
~Tiada hijab bagi dgn Allah bagi doa orang2 yang teraniaya~
YA ALlah Kau bukakanlah pintu rezki buat diriku dan keluarga dan sahabat sekelian dan janganlah Kau hampakan harapan kami untuk menjadi insan yang diberkati oleh Mu...Amin
It has been pleasant since the last few days....With nothing much accomplished on my RE... however I did complete sewing the bandanas and flags which dear Abang asked to me sew for his sport's group .
Last Wednesday, I went for a picnic at Pantai Kuala Kerteh with Kak Liza, Rina and Mulan. ( Sib baik konvoi ngan kak Liza..or else sure sesat sebab dok ingatkan kat Pantai Kemasik. Mesti kes ingat benda lain masa berbual ngan Rina...Lamanya tak meet them esp Mulan and Rina. Thanks Rina for inviting me to the gather2...Alhamdulillah...the food was yummylicious. Full satu table besar. I was that much..macamana nak makan that much with only the 4 of us! But of coz we could never finish them. Meng'tapau' laa apalagi.
Kami ber4...I was happy..:)
Dear Abang has been telling tak keje pergi lah keluar2 jumpa orang..he he..The green light was given withing asking. He knew that I am not the type who likes to go out or pergi rumah orang...he he..but green light tu tak boleh lah misused kan. Pandai2 laaa kan:)
We were at the pantai for more than 3 hours talking bout how busy everybody has been. Nak buka blog orang pun tak sempat. Status kat FB is merely updating status sendiri or choose mana or siapa punya status kita nak baca. As for me, FB penuh ngan bahasa lain2 sebab ramai kawan stitches...he he...yg kadang2 add sebab nak tengok karya mereka. Lain2 tu tengok status adek2, anak2 dan juga Cik Suami yang memang jarang update status dia..he he.. Jangan tak tahu, last 2 weeks, Busu bukak acct fb utk Wan sebab Wan rajin baca my blog yang ikut angin bila nak update tapi kalau fb mmg kerap updet status yang entah apa2. So, if Wan nak tahu apa status anak2 dan cucu2 senang Wan tgk je FB...Alhamdulillah adalah tu Wan skodeng bila dia ada masa:)
Maklang ni sekarang tgh rehat jap lepas solat tadi. Jap lagi pasar tani, then ada klas. Bahan2 klas pun baru sekerat aje disiapkan. Hari ni kalau ikut2kan mmg ramai students laa..dari kalangan cikgu2. Tapi tak tahu laa..Biasa cakap sampai berbelas2 tapi dtgnya tak sampai pun seperti yang diberitahu. Apa2lah asal tansfer of knowledge dapat dibuat dgn sempurna dan murid dapat menerima ilmu dgn baik dah alhamdulillah...
Hari ni Wan akan menjalani pemeriksaan utk kanser. Mmg tiap2 tahun sejak dia buang sebahagian usus besar dia (kot) Wan kena buat test ni. Memang dia tak suka sebab kena pantang makan and minum air apa entah utk 1-2 hari sebelum pemeriksaan tu. Doakan penyakit Wan dah hilang terus dan takkan kembali lagi...Amin
Ni antara hasil RE sejak entah dari bila..sempat jugak lah meng RE walaupun tak byk mana, ada gak yang buat berminggu2 lepas yang maklang minta kawan tolong jahitkan jadik bag. At least hasilnya dapat sama2 merasa...Alhamdulillah..
yang ni mula buat dari awal tahun kot..berdikit2 lama2 kot tak kena paksalaa sebab nak serahkan pada Cik Puan dia end of Julai..besar dia 32" x 32" utk di frame penuh ngan roses..pening gak nak susun warna..
Ni dah tukar sikit pattern tulip . Asyik buat cam yang kat bawah ni je...Jap lagi nak kena jahit lagi 1 bag tulip gak...:)
Maklang suka sangat hasil yang ini...Warnanya sungguh lembut. Beg yang 3 bawah ni maklang dah pos pon semalam. Moga2 Cik Puan dia suka..InsyaAllah..
Oklah sampai sini eh..jumpa lagi bila kita jumpa...
~Tiada hijab bagi dgn Allah bagi doa orang2 yang teraniaya~
YA ALlah Kau bukakanlah pintu rezki buat diriku dan keluarga dan sahabat sekelian dan janganlah Kau hampakan harapan kami untuk menjadi insan yang diberkati oleh Mu...Amin
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
RE and RE
Its Tuesday already. How time flies. I am on my 3rd day of the week of being a housewife. ALhamdulillah.
I have been rather busy non-stop with my 'work'. Alhamdulillah managed to complete 1.5 pieces of my RE. I am enjoying every bit of it. Sometimes I feel that I am busier than ever. Alhamdulillah Kak Shima informed that my RE received a big 'WOW' from her friends and she asked me to be prepared for more orders to come. I hope so much that it will be true. InsyaAllah. I will need an extra pair or 2 hands to help me do more. Currently, my ex-officemate is helping me sew the RE into bags. I hope by end of today I can pass 5 embroideries to be sewn into bags. Alhamdulillah..Allah closes one door of rizq and open one BIG one on the other side...yes definitely non technical at all...The colourful side of the rizq. Alhamdulillah..and I hope this door will remain open for a long time InsyaAllah..
Yesterday I met Saz at school when I was waiting for a friend to handover some documents. Saz said she wanted to invite me for breakfast this morning. We will see what happen today.
I really need to list down a lot of things that I need to do this week. One of them is that I need to submit to LHDN some documents that they need before they return my 'extra' PCB. Alhamdulillah if I could get the money back. Alhamdulillah the officer at LHDN KT is helping me a lot. May Allah bless him:)
By today or tomorrow I need to assemble 2 RE kits to be mailed. There are also books which need to be mailed. Hopefully I could get them done as tomorrow I plan to go to the PO. I am only doing it once a week nowadays. Too lazy to go out:)
thats about it ...see u when I see u...Miss my eldest dotter so so much and hope that she will do well in her exams...Amin...
Its Tuesday already. How time flies. I am on my 3rd day of the week of being a housewife. ALhamdulillah.
I have been rather busy non-stop with my 'work'. Alhamdulillah managed to complete 1.5 pieces of my RE. I am enjoying every bit of it. Sometimes I feel that I am busier than ever. Alhamdulillah Kak Shima informed that my RE received a big 'WOW' from her friends and she asked me to be prepared for more orders to come. I hope so much that it will be true. InsyaAllah. I will need an extra pair or 2 hands to help me do more. Currently, my ex-officemate is helping me sew the RE into bags. I hope by end of today I can pass 5 embroideries to be sewn into bags. Alhamdulillah..Allah closes one door of rizq and open one BIG one on the other side...yes definitely non technical at all...The colourful side of the rizq. Alhamdulillah..and I hope this door will remain open for a long time InsyaAllah..
Yesterday I met Saz at school when I was waiting for a friend to handover some documents. Saz said she wanted to invite me for breakfast this morning. We will see what happen today.
I really need to list down a lot of things that I need to do this week. One of them is that I need to submit to LHDN some documents that they need before they return my 'extra' PCB. Alhamdulillah if I could get the money back. Alhamdulillah the officer at LHDN KT is helping me a lot. May Allah bless him:)
By today or tomorrow I need to assemble 2 RE kits to be mailed. There are also books which need to be mailed. Hopefully I could get them done as tomorrow I plan to go to the PO. I am only doing it once a week nowadays. Too lazy to go out:)
thats about it ...see u when I see u...Miss my eldest dotter so so much and hope that she will do well in her exams...Amin...
Sunday, July 10, 2011
Sibuk dan Bz
I have been busy for the last 2 days. Hence there was no update. As usual Friday is the busiset day of the week. It started as early as 5:30 am ..I woke up quite early knowing that there will be so much to do on Fridays. ? But as usual golek2 sekejap, before preparing myself for Subuh. Alhamdulillah it was easy to wake Hakim up although he slept late. After that, prepared to go the Pasar Tani for the groceries. The price of ikan kembong went up again to RM15/kg. Wow...mahal..but Abang said, if you want to buy, buy ajelah..Don't complain. I wasn't complaining, just informing that the price of the fishes memang dah terlalu mahal. The same for others. Fening kepala I..
It was a rushed job at the Pasar Tani. I forgot to bring my hp. And I was therefore late. Camana tak lambat..met a few friends and talked a few minutes with them. Also informed them that Thursday was my last day as a working mom..anyway...I am enjoying everybit of it and not complaining so far.
The RE class started usual. There were 10 students. Everyone was so so excited because we started on the table runner last Friday. Everyone was in the mood to get the work done, but of course none completed. Time passed very fast! soon it was already 2:00pm. The class was full of fun and laughter. Alhamdulillah the students were happy with the outcome.
I didn't sew much that evening. Felt like sleeping and Hakim said...Tidolah mak..kan lepas ni mak tak keje dah!:). He is so very happy that now Mak will always be at home to tend to his needs! He even said that today is his happiest day because when he came back from school, mak and abah were waiting for him:)
Cik abang arrived almost 12 that Friday night. Served him Chilli Udang. Sedap kata dia. I cooked the chilli prawns for Dhirah, ikan keli masak lemak cili api and also some ayam masak hijau as Along requested. I cooked quite a lot planning for the following week. Suddenly I remembered that I will not have to go to work anymore. Punya lah lama dah keje, tiba2 tak keje, terlupa kejap!:)
Sabtu as usual. klas lagi:). Enjoyed every bit of it. Kakak prepared serawa durian the day before and bibik made the pulut early in the morning, to servee the students. Lepas makan, seme dah mengantuk. I thought them how to make the tassels...mana tak ngantuk...they had to count the number of windings of the thread so that the size of the tassel will be about the same...
After class, did the Zohor and then Cik Abang, Hakim and myself attended a khenduri in Dungun. The gulai was good ...lapar pun ye. We had lunch around 3:10pm..apa pun sedap!
Tadi pun sibuk. Sempat jahit beg kawan alang. Untuk kawan Wan nnt sikit lagi laa..Lagipun Wan seminggu lagi baru datang sini..
Tomorrow, berangan nak potong baju Raya anak2...tengok lah macamana...banyaknya kerje kena di selesaikan:)
Jangan tak ada tarikan..gambar pouches yang dah pos sampai kat tuannya:) Alhamdulillah:)
May Allah bless us all..Amin:L)
I have been busy for the last 2 days. Hence there was no update. As usual Friday is the busiset day of the week. It started as early as 5:30 am ..I woke up quite early knowing that there will be so much to do on Fridays. ? But as usual golek2 sekejap, before preparing myself for Subuh. Alhamdulillah it was easy to wake Hakim up although he slept late. After that, prepared to go the Pasar Tani for the groceries. The price of ikan kembong went up again to RM15/kg. Wow...mahal..but Abang said, if you want to buy, buy ajelah..Don't complain. I wasn't complaining, just informing that the price of the fishes memang dah terlalu mahal. The same for others. Fening kepala I..
It was a rushed job at the Pasar Tani. I forgot to bring my hp. And I was therefore late. Camana tak lambat..met a few friends and talked a few minutes with them. Also informed them that Thursday was my last day as a working mom..anyway...I am enjoying everybit of it and not complaining so far.
The RE class started usual. There were 10 students. Everyone was so so excited because we started on the table runner last Friday. Everyone was in the mood to get the work done, but of course none completed. Time passed very fast! soon it was already 2:00pm. The class was full of fun and laughter. Alhamdulillah the students were happy with the outcome.
I didn't sew much that evening. Felt like sleeping and Hakim said...Tidolah mak..kan lepas ni mak tak keje dah!:). He is so very happy that now Mak will always be at home to tend to his needs! He even said that today is his happiest day because when he came back from school, mak and abah were waiting for him:)
Cik abang arrived almost 12 that Friday night. Served him Chilli Udang. Sedap kata dia. I cooked the chilli prawns for Dhirah, ikan keli masak lemak cili api and also some ayam masak hijau as Along requested. I cooked quite a lot planning for the following week. Suddenly I remembered that I will not have to go to work anymore. Punya lah lama dah keje, tiba2 tak keje, terlupa kejap!:)
Sabtu as usual. klas lagi:). Enjoyed every bit of it. Kakak prepared serawa durian the day before and bibik made the pulut early in the morning, to servee the students. Lepas makan, seme dah mengantuk. I thought them how to make the tassels...mana tak ngantuk...they had to count the number of windings of the thread so that the size of the tassel will be about the same...
After class, did the Zohor and then Cik Abang, Hakim and myself attended a khenduri in Dungun. The gulai was good ...lapar pun ye. We had lunch around 3:10pm..apa pun sedap!
Tadi pun sibuk. Sempat jahit beg kawan alang. Untuk kawan Wan nnt sikit lagi laa..Lagipun Wan seminggu lagi baru datang sini..
Tomorrow, berangan nak potong baju Raya anak2...tengok lah macamana...banyaknya kerje kena di selesaikan:)
Jangan tak ada tarikan..gambar pouches yang dah pos sampai kat tuannya:) Alhamdulillah:)
May Allah bless us all..Amin:L)
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Goodbye Friends
Alhamdulillah. I am a full flegded housewife as at 5:15pm just now. Alhamdulillah again, I woke up this morning with a smile on my face feeling so happy and contented. I didn't know why...I just felt that way. I guess it could be because its the last day of having to go to work. Alhamdulillah just could not help myself from smiling. I could feel that all the burden and sadness that I have felt for the last few months were being lifted from my shoulders:)
I went to the office feeling happy. Did not have the mood to do what I normally do since the past 89 days...I felt that I want to relax today and that was what I did. Not that I have been working very hard during the notice period. There were not many projects and most of the staff at the KDO have been sitting doing nothing!
I definitely will miss my friends the most. I will also, at times ,miss being an engineer . Miss to have all the fun that we have in the office. But life has to go on. At the moment my family is the most important thing in my life and I would not think of sacrificing my family before my work. Not in a million years...
A few friends came to my workstation to bid farewell and even gave me a parting gift. Alhamdulillah and thank you very much. I will treasure them very much...InsyaAllah.
Later in the evening, just before I left, my close friends whom some of them I have known since I first joined ( going to my 15th year!)came to say goodbye. One even told me that he will miss having me around. Yes that is definite but I am sure all of them will remain in my heart!
at KDO
Long time friends...I will miss all of you:(
I left the office at around 5:15pm and pray to Allah that this will be a good start for a new career as a full time housewife. Please pray for our happiness:)
Thank you for dropping by:)
Alhamdulillah. I am a full flegded housewife as at 5:15pm just now. Alhamdulillah again, I woke up this morning with a smile on my face feeling so happy and contented. I didn't know why...I just felt that way. I guess it could be because its the last day of having to go to work. Alhamdulillah just could not help myself from smiling. I could feel that all the burden and sadness that I have felt for the last few months were being lifted from my shoulders:)
I went to the office feeling happy. Did not have the mood to do what I normally do since the past 89 days...I felt that I want to relax today and that was what I did. Not that I have been working very hard during the notice period. There were not many projects and most of the staff at the KDO have been sitting doing nothing!
I definitely will miss my friends the most. I will also, at times ,miss being an engineer . Miss to have all the fun that we have in the office. But life has to go on. At the moment my family is the most important thing in my life and I would not think of sacrificing my family before my work. Not in a million years...
A few friends came to my workstation to bid farewell and even gave me a parting gift. Alhamdulillah and thank you very much. I will treasure them very much...InsyaAllah.
Later in the evening, just before I left, my close friends whom some of them I have known since I first joined ( going to my 15th year!)came to say goodbye. One even told me that he will miss having me around. Yes that is definite but I am sure all of them will remain in my heart!
at KDO
Long time friends...I will miss all of you:(
I left the office at around 5:15pm and pray to Allah that this will be a good start for a new career as a full time housewife. Please pray for our happiness:)
Thank you for dropping by:)
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
3rd last day
Today is my 3rd last day in the office. There aren't many people in the project office today. Some have gone offshore yesterday and one has gone for a seminar at Awana. It was very quite a short while ago, but suddenly Zul came to bring 3 desktops to be upgraded. Mine is one of them. So I get to bring home the one that I am using right now:). The company is letting go of the old PC to its owner for RM300.00. I didn't want it at first as there already a few-old-ones-yg-buat-semak at home buat Cik Abang said why not take it with that price. Maybe Hakim or Maya or even Angah will like to use it in the house...:)...
I was too lazy to update this blog yesterday. As with my sewing. Sometimes I am worried if I could not complete them as requested. A friend is helping me to sew them into products. Alhamamdulillah 11 of the pouches are now ready. So I can call Kak Shimah to pick up some of them . She told me she wanted to come and meet me to discuss a few things regarding my Re work. I hope it will be a good one InsyaAllah...
I started my RE on one of the 3 bags which a friend requested, yesterday. Did it half way last nite:). I was quite busy with my new RE book. Trying to write something for the people who wanted to buy the books. Hakim asked me last nite...Mak, mak dah jadi artist ke?? He he...just because I am signing the book!!..Hakim..hakim...pantang sebut celebirity..terus jadi artis eh...Macam2 this bujang of mine.
some of the pouches ready to be with the owners:)
This kak Shima's/ I hope she will like it:)
Oklah thats about it for today. I have some work which needs my attention....:)
Moga Allah beri yang terbaik buat saya dan keluarga ...Amin...
Today is my 3rd last day in the office. There aren't many people in the project office today. Some have gone offshore yesterday and one has gone for a seminar at Awana. It was very quite a short while ago, but suddenly Zul came to bring 3 desktops to be upgraded. Mine is one of them. So I get to bring home the one that I am using right now:). The company is letting go of the old PC to its owner for RM300.00. I didn't want it at first as there already a few-old-ones-yg-buat-semak at home buat Cik Abang said why not take it with that price. Maybe Hakim or Maya or even Angah will like to use it in the house...:)...
I was too lazy to update this blog yesterday. As with my sewing. Sometimes I am worried if I could not complete them as requested. A friend is helping me to sew them into products. Alhamamdulillah 11 of the pouches are now ready. So I can call Kak Shimah to pick up some of them . She told me she wanted to come and meet me to discuss a few things regarding my Re work. I hope it will be a good one InsyaAllah...
I started my RE on one of the 3 bags which a friend requested, yesterday. Did it half way last nite:). I was quite busy with my new RE book. Trying to write something for the people who wanted to buy the books. Hakim asked me last nite...Mak, mak dah jadi artist ke?? He he...just because I am signing the book!!..Hakim..hakim...pantang sebut celebirity..terus jadi artis eh...Macam2 this bujang of mine.
some of the pouches ready to be with the owners:)
This kak Shima's/ I hope she will like it:)
Oklah thats about it for today. I have some work which needs my attention....:)
Moga Allah beri yang terbaik buat saya dan keluarga ...Amin...
Sunday, July 3, 2011
BZ weekend
I have been very bz last weekend. Teaching on both days during the weekend. No wonder everytime a person meets me, she/ he will ask me. Are you a teacher? Do I look like one? Hmmm..I guess so. Some even asked me if I am an ustadzah...Ha...ha...I can still remember when I took the pre-marriage course, the ustadz aske me if I am one. I could only smile. he results just missed by 1 point. I scored the highest and received a few hundred ringgit for the achievement. alhamdulillah...
Now after 24 years being an engineer, people still ask me the same question and Alhamdulillah, now I am one. I will be leaving my current position and venture into a new one Insyaallah and I pray to Allah that I will be one good teacher. Not playing will wires etc but now playing with ribbons..I have already started my classes working under Kolej Komuniti Kemaman teaching ribbon embroideries. Yesterday was my third class and hope that there will be more to come. I pray to Allah for a better life in the future. Alhamdulillah Abang is supporting me all the way.
Sometimes I feel so relieved that I will soon be a stay-at-home-mom. I hope I will be a good suri rumahtangga. I plan to do all the cooking which sometimes I neglect during the weekedays since Abang has been working in KL. I could not accomodate any time in the morning since I have to send the kids to school. By next week, I will be free...InsyaAllah. And I hope I will be using my free time for some good courses. There are so many things in my mind. So many things I want to do and I hope I could fulfill some if not all.
My 2nd book on Ribbon embroideries arrived last Thursday. Only allah knows how happy I was. I just could nott describe the happiness. It is definitely a different kind of feeling as compared to the one when my book was published in Indonesia in February. Maybe because this time it is being published in Malaysia. I feel so so good Alhamdulillah). Thank you PTS esp to Ashikin Wahid and Norzilawati and the gang for the hard effort in making my dream to come true:). Alhamdulillah..:)
These are the photos taken last weekend.... Happy faces looking at their hand work. Alhamdulillah..and I am happy when they are happy. TQ Allah..
Makan2 lopez ...during the breaktime. TQ to bibik for her delicious lopez:)
I cooked 3 dishes for my beloved ones last weekend. Some have been packed nicely and being frozen for Abang to bring back to KL tonite:)
Ayam kasturi ...sedap ni..
Daging lada hitam...
Udang goreng cili kering
I went to send Kak Liza's bag and tudung and brought her back to my house...and guess what ? she gave me two of her books which were launched recently...Rasa seronok bila dapat complimentary copies ni...rasa cam penting je kat kak liza...thanks kak u..
Have a nice day all.. and May Allah bless us all...Amin
I have been very bz last weekend. Teaching on both days during the weekend. No wonder everytime a person meets me, she/ he will ask me. Are you a teacher? Do I look like one? Hmmm..I guess so. Some even asked me if I am an ustadzah...Ha...ha...I can still remember when I took the pre-marriage course, the ustadz aske me if I am one. I could only smile. he results just missed by 1 point. I scored the highest and received a few hundred ringgit for the achievement. alhamdulillah...
Now after 24 years being an engineer, people still ask me the same question and Alhamdulillah, now I am one. I will be leaving my current position and venture into a new one Insyaallah and I pray to Allah that I will be one good teacher. Not playing will wires etc but now playing with ribbons..I have already started my classes working under Kolej Komuniti Kemaman teaching ribbon embroideries. Yesterday was my third class and hope that there will be more to come. I pray to Allah for a better life in the future. Alhamdulillah Abang is supporting me all the way.
Sometimes I feel so relieved that I will soon be a stay-at-home-mom. I hope I will be a good suri rumahtangga. I plan to do all the cooking which sometimes I neglect during the weekedays since Abang has been working in KL. I could not accomodate any time in the morning since I have to send the kids to school. By next week, I will be free...InsyaAllah. And I hope I will be using my free time for some good courses. There are so many things in my mind. So many things I want to do and I hope I could fulfill some if not all.
My 2nd book on Ribbon embroideries arrived last Thursday. Only allah knows how happy I was. I just could nott describe the happiness. It is definitely a different kind of feeling as compared to the one when my book was published in Indonesia in February. Maybe because this time it is being published in Malaysia. I feel so so good Alhamdulillah). Thank you PTS esp to Ashikin Wahid and Norzilawati and the gang for the hard effort in making my dream to come true:). Alhamdulillah..:)
These are the photos taken last weekend.... Happy faces looking at their hand work. Alhamdulillah..and I am happy when they are happy. TQ Allah..
Makan2 lopez ...during the breaktime. TQ to bibik for her delicious lopez:)
I cooked 3 dishes for my beloved ones last weekend. Some have been packed nicely and being frozen for Abang to bring back to KL tonite:)
Ayam kasturi ...sedap ni..
Daging lada hitam...
Udang goreng cili kering
I went to send Kak Liza's bag and tudung and brought her back to my house...and guess what ? she gave me two of her books which were launched recently...Rasa seronok bila dapat complimentary copies ni...rasa cam penting je kat kak liza...thanks kak u..
Have a nice day all.. and May Allah bless us all...Amin
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